[모로코Morocco]G1→F6visa(불법체류 illegal stay 9 months)
- 조회 193

[Morocco] G1 (refugee application) → Marriage(F6) visa (illegal stay 9 months)
Staying on a G1 visa after applying for refugee status,
Illegal stay after decision not to recognize refugee,
Cases in which f6 visa was granted in the above situation
난민신청하여 G1비자로 체류하던 중 난민불인정결정되고 체류기간 만료되어 불법체류 상태에서 결혼비자(F6) 허가받은 사례
구체적인 사례 확인은 위고행정사사무소 블로그(https://blog.naver.com/gohang33)를 참고하시기 바랍니다.